First Air Frost
On 9 Oct, 11:09, Ken Cook wrote:
On 9 Oct, 08:30, David wrote:
Hi, David,
-0.7C screen -6.4C grass at Copley Met O site
Lead Mill not read yet (shopping!) but I expect around -2C there. I'll
let you know.
Lead Mill min was -2.1C max 11.4C
Met O max 11.1C under 10.5hr sun yesterday (50hr so far this month,
50% of the October average already.)
A blip today, but sun back over the weekend, and nights are looking
Mean screen 8.0C to date which is exactly the 1971-2000 October
Boring weather?? Did you not get the gale last Saturday, Dave? Copley
Motorway blocked by a huge fallen tree! Gridlock of tractors between
Copley and Barney for two hours!
Copley, nr Barnard Castle, Teesdale