Haytor is going automatic
Hi Rob, Alan, Dave and others,
Thanks for all the advice. I may well now go for the weatherlink software
even without BB I can still leave the computer on after 6 and at weekends
there are no call charges due to a deal with Demon Internet. Only trouble
that we only have one phone line apart from my work one which is
definitely no
go ! I've also been convinced that downloading to a PC and importing into
will be a good thing to do.
I have manual soil thermometers ATM. I may well go for automatic ones at
stage, although I find the manual ones sufficient for telling me when to
seeds etc.
Guess John Dann has got yet more business coming his way :-)
One thing I forgot to mention was that the ISS battery life seems to be
excellent. I Have just changed mine after three years although there was no
warning that it was required as I thought it was about time and aurumn
seemed a sensibel time of the year given that the battery drain is greatest
in winter. I checked the old battery and it was still producing 3V. I think
the stated life is two years but form my exeperience 3 is easily achievable.
My anemometer cable runs through conduit to protect it from accidental
damage as the mast is sited next to the vegetable plot so an errant spade or
fork could easily cause damage. I don't think this would be necessary in a
safer location as long as the cable is secured with clips to the posts.