"Lawrence Jenkins" wrote :
Look I don't keep local rcords okay, but something different has just
happened , something on an October nightI can't say I've seen since at
least 1995 in the SE of London.Obviouisly statistically there's a good
chance I may be wrong but I've just seen off my son at these wee hours of
the morning and I was taken aback at just how cold the night air was , in
fact when I checked the roof of my car there was ICE. Is this something
special or am I just too sensitive
FMS (Faulty Memory Syndrome) at work, Lawrence. Don't
worry; most people suffer from it.
The average date for the first radiation frost (used to be called 'ground
frost', is sometimes - bizarrely - called 'grass frost' by the present
generation of weather preseneters, but in fact the effects can be
seen on cars and other freely-radiating objects) in and around Penge
is about 10 October, with a range from 24 August to 26 November.
The average and extreme dates for air frost are, very roughly,
about three weeks later.