" didn't know what to do with a barograph ... "
.... TV on in the corner of the room (BBC): 'Flog-it' on this
afternoon; not my cup of tea, but whilst I was idly cross-referencing
bits and pieces from the latest 'Weather' mag (excellent, BTW) to my
notebooks/textbooks, I was aware that they were 'flogging' a
Apparently, this chap had asked his wife for a barometer, and she, in
error (!) had bought this - for some £400! Never been used, didn't
know what to do with it - looked as if the original chart was on the
drum and the ink bottle was full. Fortunately, they did manage to get
somewhere near the original price - so he's going to by a barometer
I said to my wife, anytime you feel like making that sort of
'mistake', feel free: no pleasing some people :-(
Martin Rowley
West Moors, East Dorset (UK): 17m (56ft) amsl
Lat: 50.82N Long: 01.88W
NGR: SU 082 023