In article 2912635c-003c-4e04-87c9-bbe16d0f3106,
Just wondering if anyone had any links that showed graphs of yearly
tide heights (both this year and historically) for locations on the UK
Am intrigued by the storm surge event on the south coast on 24th
October 1999 - my parents have a little bolt-hole in Pevensey Bay that
was quite badly affected as strong winds coincided with the
equinoctial tides.
Maximum observed October 1999 - 7.327 meters, however this was
recorded on the 26th. There was no data recorded for Dover from
02:00 23/10/99 to 14:00 25/10/99
Maximum observed October 1999 - 7.326 meters on the 24th, which
was also the highest value for all of 1999.
Registration is free for and they have tide data
going back to 1930. However, If you just want the CSV for
Newhaven (or Dover) for 1999 I can email them to you.
Alan LeHun