good june does not mean good july
On Thursday 03 July 2003 15:16 Mikephelan44 wrote:
I read that June 2003 was one of the five warmest of the last 100 or so
years. Of these only 1976 heralded a good summer in terms of wamth, so we
might be disappointed.
Am I right that June is perhaps the only month that has shown no real
pattern of global warming in the UK , if anything it can be marked by the
lack of outstanding months. Indeed a CET of 16.1 for this June is hardly
remarkable and says more about the absence of real exceptional Junes since
Could be something to do with June being the usual time for the European
Monsoon so that if you get a hot period towards the end of May it's likely
to be followed by a cool, wet June?