On Oct 30, 10:02*am, "Martin Rowley"
Some time earlier this year, the 'thumbnail' view of the EGRR (Exeter)
output disappeared from the Weather.org site here ....
I always used to have a direct link to the thumbnail display, and
therefore I hadn't realised that an alternative has now been provided
.... you can go via the 'Models' page he-
or direct at:-
Here is an extract of the email sent to me by Martin Stubbs which
details who we have to thank for this excellent service:-
" They are accessed via the models.htm page and thanks go to Paul
Martin who set up the thumbs originally and indeed who was responsible
for all the grabbing of the
charts to give a rolling 24 hours of Met Office products. All this has
been resurrected once again and can be accessed via the new URLs on
the models page ....."
If you're looking at this, well done Paul!
Martin Rowley
West Moors, East Dorset (UK): 17m (56ft) amsl
Lat: 50.82N * Long: 01.88W
NGR: SU 082 023
Again, what an excellent resource. TY.