[OBS]Whipsnade Obsy, Beds, Sun 1 Nov 2008
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote :
0850z SSE F5-6 5km RA 6St004 8St008 12.1/11.9 1000.2
RMK: Foggy for a time overnight; mod rain from 0800z.
Bar down 8.8mbar in 3h
1150z WSW F6 3000m RA 6St004 8Ns050 15.3/14.9 995.2
RMK: Mod rain since last ob, heavy 1005-1035 and 1110-1135.
Vis improving and sky brightening in the distant west (since ob
rain stopped 1215 and some blue above now, but wind has
strengthened a little more). There'll be some firewood to pick
up in the lanes tomorrow.
Philip Eden
Whipsnade Obsy 229m Lodge 214m