[OT] Use of foul language in this ng
In article ,
Col writes:
"Martin Rowley" wrote in message
For many years, this newsgroup has muddled along quite well without the
use of foul language. In recent months, that seems to have changed. I
know this doesn't seem to be a popular view nowadays, but I (and I
believe others) find its use offensive in the extreme. It should not be
necessary to make a scientific point without swearing.
Who's been swearing? I must admit I hadn't noticed any particular
increase in it lately.
Nor have I. This group certainly sees much less of it than some other
groups that I am subscribed too. I've been using newsgroups for about 10
years, and I haven't really noticed much change in the amount of foul
language in the various groups over that time.
Even during the non-appearance of much anticipated snow events
in the SE and the toys start flying out of the pram there seems to
remarkably little *proper* swearing.
John Hall "[It was] so steep that at intervals the street broke into steps,
like a person breaking into giggles or hiccups, and then resumed
its sober climb, until it had another fit of steps."
Ursula K Le Guin "The Beginning Place"