On Nov 1, 8:52*pm, "Keith(Southend)"
Dawlish wrote:
On Nov 1, 5:46 pm, "Darren Prescott" wrote:
For the first time in weeks, the "wxmaps" GFS chart shows a blob of blue
over England:
This, of course, is due to the 12z GFS run but interestingly it's not a cold
outlier. The 12z GFS itself shows a succession of lows trundling over the
UK, from a NW'ly source and thus not especially mild. There'll be plenty of
rain as well, which is raising my hopes that we'll get a cold and wet
Why's that so exciting, I hear you ask? Well, I seem to remember Paul
Bartlett saying that they're one of many signs that can point to a cold
winter ahead. Furthermore, I believe there was something about a warm, dry
October followed by a cold, wet November being a good portent of a cold
Don't believe a word of it Darren!
I go back to that saying about "November and ice on ducks back and the
rest of winter will be slush and muck", I my experience from the last
thirty years in this area seems to follow that rule as a whole. Mild and
Fog for November please, but that looks highly unlikely :-( But with my
daughter having to do a lot of driving this winter, I'd rather no fog at
all if I were honest.
Keith (Southend)http://www.southendweather.net
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net
I'm not sure we'll get all that much ice either - though a number of
frosty nights seem likely. The low track of Greenland-UK-Germany-Italy
seems to be remarkably persistent though for the next 2 weeks. Reminds
me of 1996, when it was cold until January 10th, though rather mild
after that.