"Len Wood" wrote in message
On Nov 1, 11:01 am, "Anne Burgess"
... than naive posts from newbies?
Yes. Definitely. Many, many things. Like trolls, irrelevant
rubbish, incessant rain, muzak in public places, banks
alienating both borrowers and savers, 'friendly' dogs
terrorising small children on the beach, litter, vandalism, MPs
fiddling their expenses, supermarkets discontinuing your
favourite foods ........
What's wrong with being naive anyway? How else do newbies learn,
if not from more experienced posters giving them polite and
gentle guidance?
It just highlights the pointlessness of monthly statistics. Do the
weather systems care if it is 31st Oct or 1st Nov?
People will never stops quoting monthly figures as it is engrained in
the human pysche. Some may call them lunatics.
There is little science behind it.
4 and a bit weeks is I think a big enough 'chunk' of weather for
it to have some statistical significance. There has got to be some
way of following what's going on.
The hottest July for 50 years for example will have contained
enough hot weather for people to think that it was exceptional.
Of course a 4 week hot spell could straddle two montha with
two weeks in July and two in August, with neither month
showing anything remarkable, but you can't have everything
Even 'date records' are interesting although they don't carry
any statistical significance but I don't think anybody would claim they did.
There is more sense in seasonal climate statistics. The sun is after
all the driver of our climate.
More significant than a month, but they are still based on
arbitary cut-off points.
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl