"Keith(Southend)" wrote in message
Dawlish wrote:
The present El Nino conditions have strengthened over the last week.
The model consensus is now that it will peak during the boreal winter,
as a moderate El Nino (+1.0C). It doesn't look like it will be an
exceptional event, a la 1998.
•El Niño is present across the equatorial Pacific Ocean.
•Sea surface temperatures (SST) were at least 1.0ºC above-average
across much of the central and east-central equatorial Pacific.
•Based on current observations and dynamical model forecasts, El Niño
is expected to strengthen and last through Northern Hemisphere winter
Certainly looks more uniform across the Pacific now. Bang goes any chance
of snow this year here :-(
Oh here we go, the first "winter is written off post before it has even
started" :-)
At least the beast is a weak one Keith!
Richard - do you keep tabs of such posts? Is this the earliest one we have
ever had?