Extremely wet Novembers: a recent trend?
"Stan" wrote in message
| Would be interesting to see these for winter months and summer months.
| I believe according to climate scientist GW should mean for British isles
| winters becoming more cyclonic and summers anti-cyclonic, at least in
| southern half.
When do we start, at least for the anticyclonic summers? Haven't been many
of those these last three years. Two cyclonic and one less so is the count
here in the "deep south". For those further north who can no longer get
flood insurance, the promise of warmer, drier summers looks like a cruel
joke (which, of course, this year rebounded spectacularly on the Met.
Or has my taking up playing cricket three years ago had some miraculous
effect which overrides the "global warming" signal?
Just a moment while I put some more coal on the fire before oiling the
- Yokel -
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