Thought I'd try to see what I could find out about the current weather
and information available for the area surrounding the Maldives and came
across some useful charts from the Pakistan Met. Service.
Also some useful satellite images from the super Cheshire College site:
and during daylight:
Looks like Male had 72.1mm of rain in the past 24 hours, although this
doesn't quite line up with the synops.
My estimate for November so far, is in the first 5/6 days Male has
received 184.4mm. But November is their wettest month with an average of
231.1mm for the month.
The driest month is February with 38.1mm (Bet it won't be next year!)
I was wondering do they get cyclones in the Maldives as the highest
point is only about 2m amsl. I seem to remember they got slightly hit by
the Boxing Day Tsunami.
I find it extremely interesting to look at the weather in other parts of
the World, if you hadn't guessed :-)
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net