Weather monitor 2 - question on rainfall sensor?
Hello John
I have two Davis systems. The first is the Weather monitor 2 that I have had
since 1998 - served me well and I use this for recording grass minimum
In 2005 I upgraded to a wireless Vantage pro 2 bought from Prodata and this
is my main system which has also given me good service.
However, I was using the weather monitor 2 as a check on my rainfall
readings against the VP2, but the rainfall readings have just stopped this
month - still gives 0.0 on the readout. Also this has always had a tendency
to under-read.
What is the obvious cause of failure on the rainfall sensor on the weather
monitor 2? My cables do not join anywhere outdoors
a.. I have checked and the tipping mechanism seems fine.
b.. After over 10 years would the most likely fault be the reed switch?
c.. What should I be looking for?
d.. What advice would you give me bearing in mind the Weather monitor 2
is not my main operational system.
g.. Any other suggestions welcomed
i.. Rob
j.. Farsely Near Leeds and Bradford