"Martin Rowley" wrote ...
As Hurn is still firing 'trace' rainfall amounts, I'll list my
rainfall readings here and keep it rolling until the problem is
fixed: we catch, based on only 2 years data, roughly 6% *more* rain
than Hurn. Whether this is a genuine 'climatological' difference, or
simply due to our poor exposure I'm not sure.
[ to see where we are in relation to Hurn, see ....
http://booty.org.uk/booty.weather/me...nt_history.htm ]
.... as of this morning, 03862 (Hurn) is back up and running returning
rainfall figures that look sensible.
24hr periods FROM 09Z: .... (i.e. standard climatological rain day)
11th: 5.4 mm
12th: 22.0 mm
13th: 12.6 mm
14th: 12.1 mm
15th: 8.4 mm (Hurn to 06Z returned 6.0 mm, but there was moderate
rain/shower between 06 & 07Z which probably accounts for much of the
The total for the month so far for this location is:- 76.5 mm, ~78% of
the eLTA (1971-2000)
Martin Rowley
West Moors, East Dorset (UK): 17m (56ft) amsl
Lat: 50.82N Long: 01.88W
NGR: SU 082 023