Rob Bale wrote in message ...
"Will" wrote in message
Dave, I agree, I'm only excited because I now have an anemometer and I can
the cups whirling round, LOL.
Yes I only really call it windy at force 6 and above, anything below that is
gentle breeze :-) The last "good" easterly we had tore off a couple of slates
it is my "best" direction. Force 4 the trees begin to move, force 5 one
to hear the wind down the chimney, force 6 it begins to roar, force 7 and 8
the doors rattle and bits of branch and twigs are flying through the air,
9 and the roof becomes vulnerable, force 10 - I have never experienced yet at
Today's max was 10.4 deg C (AWS). Max gust still only 25 knots at 3m agl. At
least it has now started raining (since 1600).
Will, how are you finding the Vantage Pro. Are your readings for temp and
rainfall comparable with your manual equipment.
Chester, UK
Hi Rob,
Early days, but I am very impressed so far. Temperature and humidity are
excellent. Temperature agrees to within 0.5 deg C and humidity to well within
+/- 5%.
Sometimes the humidity reading are identical and temperature to within 0.1 deg
C. My screen and VP are about 15m apart and almost at the same height above
ground with the VP on slightly higher ground and more exposed.
Today Max AWS 10.4 Screen 10.6 deg C
Today Min AWS 6.0 Screen 6.0 deg C
Today humidity at 1800 87% in the screen 86% on AWS
Today temperature at 1800 9.1 C AWS 9.2 deg C in screen
Rainfall is also excellent, although the manual gauge is better at measuring
amounts up to 0.3 mm of course. The two gauges are 2m apart.
Pressure is also excellent and the wind speeds look realistic given that the
anemometer is at 3m agl.
Comparison will be easier once I get my data logger.
" A cup is most useful when empty "
A COL BH site in East Dartmoor at Haytor, Devon 310m asl (1017 feet).
DISCLAIMER - All views and opinions expressed by myself are personal
and do not necessarily represent those of my employer.