Seathwaite rainfall totals - 16-19 November - without much doubt,a new British Isles 24 h record
On Nov 21, 6:22*pm, Stephen Burt wrote:
I am slightly surprsied that none of the media references that I've
heard to the actual rainfall totals recorded at Seathwaite have placed
this '370 mm' total in this context, nor of 'six months rainfall in
London in 34 hours', for example: a pity because I suspect outside the
audiience of this ng and a few other specialist climatological/
hydrological professionals etc, "370 mm of rainfall" simply wouldn't
mean a thing to the man in the street ...
It is not surprising then that they are reporting it as a once in a
thousand years event.
Let's face it, most Brits don't know what 370 mm is, and blame
decimalistionl on the EC. When is some one going to say that 370 mm is
one foot two and a half inches? or even over a third of a metre, which
every one knows is a yard?
Meanwhile in Australia, Sydney is being threatened by bush fires, and
in Melbourne the police are telling motorists to drive carefully in
the heavy rain!
It seems that climate change does not mean everywhere gets warmer,
just that everywhere the weather is even more chaotic.
Cheers, Alastair.