Hurn rainfall ... looks odd?
On Nov 22, 9:32*am, "Martin Rowley"
... can't be 100% sure, but Hurn SYNOP (06Z) recorded 1mm for the
period 18-06Z, whereas we had around 5 mm for the same period; there
were several short periods of moderate/isol heavy rain early evening &
after midnight (accompanied by gusty winds). The radar shows that the
lines of heavy convective rainfall did have a sharp cut-off along the
coast, so it's just possible that there was a genuine difference over
the few miles between us.
For the month, we are now up to 99 mm (just a whisker over 100% of the
1971-2000 eLTA).
The temperature anomaly for this month is now around +3degC on the
I'm surprised you're only just over 100%, as it seems to have been a
very wet month just along the road in Southampton. That would mean
that if it didn't rain again (unlikely, but you get my point...) it
would only be an average month, whereas even if the last week did end
up dry, the perception of the first 22 days has been near constant
rainfall. (writing this on another damp, gloomy November morning....)