Piers' thoughts on the week
On Nov 22, 2:14*pm, John Hall wrote:
In article
*Richard Dixon writes:Despite not indicating a flood event in his forecast - and despite the
superb, bang-on forecast from the Met Office - this little snippet
gives you a view to just how delusional he is - note that the reason
why the North Sea storm surge didn't occur is the reason why the
Cumbria event happened ! The last sentence is a piece of wonderful
I think calling him delusional is actually taking a charitable view. I'm
more cynical.
Your cynicism is almost certainly justified, although
delusional is accurate too, especially after this latest débacle.
I have met him, twice, when he gave talks to Croydon
Astronomical Society. God knows why we asked him - I was off the
committee by then. He has an enormous ego and has an entourage of
groupies to assist him. He waved a cheque about which represented his
winnings in some meteorological bet, which I thought was a bit
vulgar. He wouldn't explain his methods when I and others from the
audience questioned him after the talk and there was some
With the widespread ignorance of meteorology among the
population and press in particular he knows he can con people into
taking him seriously and make a lot of money in the process. This
feeds both his bank balance and his ego. And all this despite his
repeated failings.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.