On Nov 22, 9:10*pm, "Colin Youngs" wrote:
Meteosat 8 satellite picture from Ferdinand Valk's site at 12.00 UTC on
Sunday 22nd Novemberhttp://www.fvalk.com/images/Day_image/METEOSAT-8-1200-EUR.jpg
Meteosat MSG-2 satellite picture from Bernard Burton's site at 12.00 UTC on
Sunday 22nd November *http://www.woksat.info/etcrk22m/rk22-msg-1200-uk.html
NOAA 19 satellite picture from Bernard Burton's site at 12.39 UTC on Sunday
22nd November *http://www.woksat.info/etcrk22/rk22-1239-b-uk.html
Troughs over the west and SE of Britain in association with the low NW of
Ireland. * Cloud is well broken over western and central Belgium.
That low almost seems to have an "eye" of sorts - is that normal?