Rain stopped this afernoon.
Final total 18.2 mm.
Day max. was a cold 9.7 deg C (est. October average max. 12.6 deg C)
" A cup is most useful when empty "
A COL BH site in East Dartmoor at Haytor, Devon 310m asl (1017 feet).
www: http://www.lyneside.demon.co.uk
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and do not necessarily represent those of my employer.
Pete Shakespeare wrote in message ...
As usual only half your amount in Exeter, 8.3 mm up till 0900Z, with
occasional light rain since totalling 0.2 mm. Monthly amount is 31.7
mm. Quite bright at the mo but only 12.4C,
SE Exeter
Will wrote:
Well, living up to its reputation today !
Now been raining continuously since 1600 on the 9th (mostly moderate after
local and occasionally heavy 1.0 - 5.0 mm/h). Rainfall total at 1000 10/10/04
since 1600 9th is 16.1 mm (AWS).
A mere splash by Haytor standards but with more to come it could turn a bit
interesting. Pity it's washed out our sunday though, but at least we are not
fog and I can get on with some inside stuff :-)
Temperature is still just 6.8 deg C, if only it was January ! Yes I know, a
fine :-)
Monthly rain now 94.4 mm (AWS). Estimated 1971-2000 October average is 175mm.
More totals later.