UK climate scientist to temporarily step down
Natsman wrote:
On 1 Dec, 22:13, Bonos Ego wrote:
revelations. Clearly it is all a conspiracy despite the views of some
of those on this forum who denied that there could possibly be any
conspiracy in the AGW agenda. It was only a matter of time.
The sad thing is that the whole shebang is driven by money, and the
Bilderberg premise of global governance. Too many would have too much
to lose if the bandwagon faltered now, so they'll press on regardless,
steamrollering their way over those who question the science and
motives, brainwashing those who are susceptible, and ignoring those
who demur.
Bilderberg group?
I'm surprised you haven't mentioned The Illuminati and giant lizards.....
It's potentially the biggest, most damaging scam mankind has
experienced thus far - more so than any changing climate scenario
could possibly be. Smoke and mirrors, lies and deceit, but certainly
not science. And we'll all be the sadder, and poorer for it.
What would be the *point* of such a conspiracy, to engineer a
reason for us all to pay more taxes?
You would have to persuade 10s of thousands of scientists all around
the world, along with their Governments to go along with this scam.
Why bother with such an elaborate scheme, even if it was possible to
When politicians want to raise taxes they simply *lie* about it in
the time honoured fashion, they don't cook up schemes that take
20 years to come to fruition!
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl