Not at all Lawrence. I know what you mean, however, it is just that this
time, if it is really cold we are all set for all time record heating bills.
I wonder what sods law has to say about all that.
"Lawrence Jenkins" wrote in message
Gavin do you really believe the weather gods are going to say
"that Gavin Staples wants a mild winter so we'll give hime one of the
ever experienced".
No that sort of reverse psychology won't work, they've cottoned on to that
"Gavin Staples" wrote in message
I know many of us on this ng like cold weather. However, lets be a bit
guarded on this one this year. Have any of you filled up your oil tank
It is quite scary. I would like a winter like 2002 this time round.
I think a cold winter is the last thing we want this year.
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Gavin Staples.
Cambridge, UK.
site regularly updated
"Inventories can be managed, but people must be led". H. Ross Perot. ~
Naval Commander and author.
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