Bracknell (Tawfield)
Rainfall so far this month (August): 2.0mm (~ 4% eLTA)
Rainfall so far this year (Jan - August 20/0900Z): 322mm (~ 77%)
Rainfall Feb to August 20/0900Z): 235mm (~65%)
Grass (what's left of it) looking very sorry for itself, but trees
reasonably green, though with small pockets of dry/brown leaf area.
Not much sign of any, or at least significant, rainfall for SE Britain
for several days - something of an Omega pattern developing with BI
under the high; perhaps we need the Caribbean Hurricane season to
kick-start everything into life? I'm not complaining though - have
enjoyed this summer overall.
Martin Rowley: data via:
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Great Hollands), Berkshire.
NGR: SU 854 667
Lat: 51DEG23MIN30SEC(N); Long: 00DEG46MIN28SEC(W)
Height(amsl): 80 metres (262 feet)