In article ,
Lawrence Jenkins writes:
Funnily enough Will I've just watched the first episode on Man on earth with
Tony Robinson (Baldrick) It was fascinating about humans being almost
destroyed by the Ice Ages and being saved by Global Warming.allowing the
migration from Africa, But I digress it became so cold within a lifetime on
the early human Steppes settlements 45 thousand years ago and then the ice
advanced yet again and 23 thousands years ago they were almost wiped out by
a Heinrich Event that after hundreds of years the tress had all but gone
only to be replaced by tundra thus Will Hand no logs whatsoever.
Human ingenuity triumphed and shelters were made of mammoth bones and furs
and the abundance of mammoth bones were utilised as a source of fuel. So
I'll be burning animal bones if it gets bad oh no I get all me meat
It was a good programme. I thought that they were a little naughty,
though. Having established that the human population was about 100,000
before an ice age some 140,000 years ago caused drought conditions in
Africa, they then asked an expert what reduction in population then
occurred. He said it might be between 50% and 90%. After that, they kept
referring to the population having been reduced to 10,000 without adding
any qualification, and of course that was actually at the most
pessimistic extreme.
John Hall "[It was] so steep that at intervals the street broke into steps,
like a person breaking into giggles or hiccups, and then resumed
its sober climb, until it had another fit of steps."
Ursula K Le Guin "The Beginning Place"