Bozo doesn't understand Science.
Arthur Brain wrote:
On Dec 10, 3:22 pm, "o nb o" wrote:
So Easy A 6th Grader Can Do It!
How many 6th-graders publishing in Nature, Bozo?
One of the fall-outs from the exposure of the emails referring to a
'trick' and 'hiding the decline' is ipso-facto proof that Nature either
did not peer-review the articles or the peer-review process was flawed.
(No-one could possibly have repeated experiments with non-existent data)
The sad aspect of this fraud is that 'climate change' will no longer be
taken seriously - when it is most important that we *do* take seriously
our impact on the earth.
The only way out is to disbarr Jones, Mann and the rest of them and kick
out the politicians who fell for this garbage.