Why isn't it colder?
On Dec 10, 10:52*pm, Bill Ward wrote:
On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 22:22:57 +0100, Rav1ng rabbit wrote:
JohnM wrote:
On Dec 10, 8:33 pm, Bill Ward wrote:
Since clouds are broadband radiators, they efficiently radiate that
heat as LWIR from the top of the cloud directly to space,
So clouds radiate from the top, but not from the sides or the bottom?
Correct. *The sides and bottom are in LTE optically thick air, so no net
radiation occurs.
I didn't ask about "net" radiation, but I'm sure you are aware of
that. So let's try again. Clouds radiate from the top, but not from
the sides or the bottom?
You can play the "back radiation" game if you want, but I think everyone
sees through it now.
I see you wrote "it" but, of course, you should've written "me"
Don't make it to complicated for Bill, please, don't.
Q assumes everyone is as easily confused as he.