Ligher Evenings Bill
On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 23:00:24 +0000 (UTC), "Anne Burgess"
Of course the real problem is that we are all thirled to the clock, instead
of being able to organise our own lives to use the daylight and the dark as
it best suits us individually.
Maybe that will be one of the benefits of the information revolution/home
working/online commerce and so on!
Yes indeed, some of us already do this. I "work" (for want of a better
word) at home, day-trading the US stock markets online. I'm doing it
So... my working day starts at 3pm BST just after the US markets open,
and it usually ends around 9pm BST when they close (or sooner if I
have a good day). All this changing of the clocks is a double irritant
for me because they do it in the US, too - and usually on a different
day from us. Grrr!!!! I just wish they'd leave the time completely
alone, whatever it is *gnash*.