On Dec 11, 5:49*pm, "Will Hand" wrote:
"David Buttery" wrote in message
On Fri, 11 Dec 2009 03:24:28 -0800, Dawlish wrote:
I can't say I'm too fond of the phrasing of this bit, dealing with 2009:
"Recently released figures confirm that 2009 is expected to be the fifth-
warmest year in the instrumental record that dates back to 1850."
I seem to remember saying this last year, but I really do wish the Met
Office would wait until 1 Jan 2010 before telling us how warm 2009 was!
I wonder if the very cold conditions over a lot of Europe/Russia expected in
the next half of the month will make a difference or do the El Nino SSTs
dominate? I would prefer to see land figures only when talking about
warmest/coldest as that's where humans live - on land. Are there any
datasets available for land only?
Several Will
Both satellite series out already for Nov.
NOAA's November figures will be out mid-month. Click on the month and
"global analysis" for the land, sea and land+sea figures for each