On 11 Dec, 19:46, John Hall wrote:
In article ,
*Col writes:
"David Buttery" wrote in message
On Fri, 11 Dec 2009 03:24:28 -0800, Dawlish wrote:
I can't say I'm too fond of the phrasing of this bit, dealing with 2009:
"Recently released figures confirm that 2009 is expected to be the fifth-
warmest year in the instrumental record that dates back to 1850."
I seem to remember saying this last year, but I really do wish the Met
Office would wait until 1 Jan 2010 before telling us how warm 2009 was!
*Expected* to be.
The use of "confirm" and "expected" in the same sentence seems designed
to confuse, though.
John Hall *"[It was] so steep that at intervals the street broke into steps,
* * * * * * like a person breaking into giggles or hiccups, and then resumed
* * * * * * its sober climb, until it had another fit of steps."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ursula K Le Guin "The Beginning Place"- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Well, it doesn't really matter anymore. Your certifiable prime
minister is going to chuck 1.5 billion pounds of your money at
"climate change", and give it to some third world dictatorship or
other despots who don't need it, and will probably blue it all on
weaponry - I see they've started squabbling in Copenhagen already.
Completely and utterly stark raving bonkers. Not much chance of you
lot beating the recession at this rate, methinks. Are your belltowers
in order? Mind you, Sarkozy's just as mad. Will the world stop
warming/cooling? Will it buggery....