Ligher Evenings Bill
Small? Nation? I think you're confused already! Or I am. 60 million ppl
is not small. What is a nation?
By "Small", I was referring to area, not population.
To use the argument that multiple timezones works in USA is not a good
analogy of our scenario.
By "Nation", I am implying about the name of the country as printed on the
front cover of your passport. That is "The United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland"
(That means, England, Scotland, Wales and Nothern Ireland. I dont want to
start a debate on the definition of what a country is.)
Splitting that political area into timezones is a bit like splitting a
geographical area the size of Florida into different timezones. It wont
Its just asking for unnecessary confusion. Or is it just an opportunity
for the Scots to glee and to prove that they are "independant" ?