Global Sea Ice
On Dec 14, 2:38*pm, .C wrote:
On Sun, 13 Dec 2009 19:17:45 +0000, .C wrote:
Know summat? This guy is as pompous in real life as he is here. I've
had quite a few emails from him over the years. Wonder if he
recognizes this first line of one he sent out about 3 months ago?
Hello all,
All the secondary headteachers and many of the primary and special
school headteachers know .....
What came next Garvey?
Still waiting for your reply Garvey. *It begins "me through the work
I've done in supporting ...."
BTW you've been outed as a charlatan and bully in this news group.
Each time, you won't get a reply, You'll get this, my stalker from
C. Time to come clean, reveal yourself, or go back to where you have
come from. The title of the thread is "Global Sea Ice". Please stick
to that and try to add to the nothing that you have contributed to
weather on this weather newsgroup. Someone's personal and
lives should not form a part of the only reason you feel compelled to
post. Understandably, you will not get no further reply from me
you do.