Local variations this year - Mid Suffolk
On Mon, 14 Dec 2009 13:39:36 -0800 (PST)
Jennik wrote:
I note that local village ponds are still not full to the brim, and
the wet has not stopped the sugar beet harvest.
From 1km outside the Suffolk border with Cambridgeshi the farmers
*needed* some rain to get the beet out of the ground. They couldn't
shift it under the dry conditions in October/early November.
I was doing some archaeological field-walking on Sunday, on the peat
fen at 1m above sea level, and the soil was so dry it hardly stuck to
my boots. Boot Scale 5 at worst. [1]
The farmers around here would like a /lot/ more rain please.
Personally I wouldn't, but then I like to eat too.....
[1] Is there an equivalent to the Beaufort Scale for wetness of ground?
For example:
1: doesn't take the shine off patent-leather
2: marrs patent-leather, but unnoticable on deck-shoes
3: noticable on deck-shoes
5: walking boots needed, but take minimal cleaning afterwards
10: muddy from mid-thigh down
11: muddy from head to feet, and one boot left under mud in
Mike Causer