Phil Layton wrote:
0730Z: NNE16KT 3SC 3CI 00/M01 Q1011=
RMK: Snow depth 2.5cms so not much more from midnight last night.
Tn -0.6c at 01z, having been clearly below zero until 01z, temps rose
to 0.4c in that hour.
2320Z: NNW02KT 4SC M00/M02 Q1015=
RMK: SHSN mid am, but other than that a dry day here. Only a small aount
of melting.
Tx 1.0c
516DM air overhead - I see BBC going for a Max of -1c in London
tomorrow..looking good for an ice day then.
I'd be very surprised to get an Ice Day tomorrow Phil, 0.6°C with sunny
ints today, but you never know and it would be great before Saturday
nights cold front :-)
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net