On 19 Dec, 18:43, Nick Humphries wrote:
Hi there, long-time lurker, but have been following this newsgroup closely
over the past couple of weeks watching Will's very early snow prediction
coming to pass - very exciting to follow! What was the phrase that hooked
me in? "Significant snow event"?
Anyway, I'm modelling a wintry scene in 3D on the computer for an
animation, and would like to know if it's possible to have a snow shower
whilst there's heavy fog?
Nick Humphries, * * * * * *http://www.egyptus.co.uk/
Your Sinclair Rock'n'Roll Years * * * * * * * *http://www..ysrnry.co.uk/
YSRnRY documentary * * * * * * * * * * *http://www.ysrnry.co.uk/tvprog/
The Tipshop * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *http://www.the-tipshop.co.uk/
ZX Video and WWW Alertshttp://www.the-tipshop.co.uk/cgi-bin/rsscheck.pl
Hi Nick
I was in Castleton in the Peaks today and over Mam tor that was the
what we got. After earlier showers the cloud base dropped before
another shower came over.
Simon (South Yorkshire)