Peter Thomas wrote:
In message , John Hall
I love snow, but it seems that it doesn't return my affection. On the
pavements and roads on my housing estate in Cranleigh the snow has been
compacted into ice
Which is a preamble to saying that I managed to slip and fall not just
once today but twice,
(fortunately missing landing on the point of my elbow by about an
Ouch, indeed.
I'm a non-driver, but in weather like this I rather envy motorists.
Yes, you can skid, but at least a car can't fall over!
Can't fall over? Much. I must find a home on the web for photos from
here in Godalming last February.
Surrey County Council provided grit bins tactically placed on our Hill -
just didn't, er , fill 'em this year. Have seen one gritter lorry,
As we've had our old footbridge - which had a surface specially designed to
be slippery in frosty conditions - replaced with one with a non-slip
surface, the salt/grit container has been removed. Unfortunately, they've
stuck to their long-held tradition of never clearing autumn leaves away.
These cover the non-slip surface, absorb moisture, and then freeze. That's
the reason I fell over backwards Thursday morning and clouted the surface
with my head. Thanks, Bracknell FBC.
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman not newsboy
"I wear the cheese. It does not wear me."