Whipsnade, Beds, Mon 21 Dec
"Scott W" wrote:
On 21 Dec, 22:24, "Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote:
Just spent four hours doing a journey (from Luton) that
normally takes 15 minutes. Up here, there has been an
additional 13cm of snow, taking the total depth to at
least 25cm (in some spots [and I don't mean drifts]
considerably more). Amazingly, the hill to the top of
Dunstable Downs is open, presumably because hardly
anyone is using it. The gridlock in Luton and Dunstable
is mostly down to people who don't know how to drive
on snow and ice.
No complaints ... I knew it was coming, but it started
earlier and was more intense than I had bargained for.
It's comforting that even the pro of pros gets it wrong sometimes...
Three brief power outages since I got back ... and no SkyTV
signal, presumably because the receiver is clogged with snow.
Thick fog, with slight snow still falling, just before midnight.
Oh, life on the edge ...