On 22 Dec, 18:54, Alastair wrote:
I've been trying to find out what exactly to make of the goings-on at
Copenhagen last week, and this video seems to be the best report I
have found.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb_NC...eature=channel
Not only is it from people who were there, it also seems to reflect
that confusing tragedy with the same excitement and secrecy with which
it was played out.
Cheers, Alastair.
Bunkum, all of it. Talking in circles about nothing.
Carbon dioxide is our friend. The sun is a force to be reckoned with,
and is not about to change its moods for the likes of us.
The sooner those with their heads in the clouds (or elsewhere)
extricated them the better for all concerned.
But, the Great God Money is all prevailing, THAT is what we're up
against, as well as alarmist, agenda ridden lunacy from those who
would destroy our way of life.
At least the stupid Copenhagen debacle gave us realists time...