[WR] Bewdley - another cold one; -6.4°Clast night
On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 15:53:32 -0600, David Buttery wrote:
On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 11:07:59 -0600, David Buttery wrote:
Currently clear and still above freezing: 0.3°C right now.
Still +0.1°C, with a minimum of -0.3°C. Despite the wind, that surprises
me a little given clear skies over (admittedly very thin) snow cover.
Now -2.1°C, which is a bit more like it. I'll say once again that I don't
expect a sub-minus-5 night tonight, though the last two occasions on
which I've said that I've been wrong!
Bewdley, Worcs. ~90m asl.