HadCRUT global temps at the *lower* end of likely warming.
On Dec 24, 8:33*am, Brian Wakem wrote:
Col wrote:
"Brian Wakem" wrote in message
Dawlish wrote:
It does rather burst the denialists'; "there has been no warming",
bubble. How can someone say that when faced with this*?
Give it a rest Dawlish - you are becoming very boring.
Do you think that the denialist/conspiracy theory nonsense
ought not to be challenged?
It can't be challenged with data that has been manipulated.
Brian Wakem
5 sets of data Brian, from 5 different sources, one (UAH satellite
data) which is produced on a monthly basis from a scientist who is a
hardline sceptic (Roy Spencer); all manipulated? As all 5 data
sources correlate very well statistically over the last 30 years,
you've surely got to admit that the warming trend shown clearly in all
5 measures is highly unlikely to be wrong? That's what convinces the
scientists and politicians - as it convinces me that GW is a reality.
The cause is a little less certain, but 1/10 (90%; IPCC odds) says to
me that CO2 is the driver. Others would go 100%, but I'm not fully
convinced yet. However, if this moderate El Nino produces more any
more monthly record warmth over the next year, as the Hadley Centre
has predicted (FWIW, I think the same) I'd go 1/20. At either of those
odds, a bookie would have closed the book.