December 24th 09, 10:27 PM
posted to alt.global-warming,alt.politics.libertarian,alt.religion.scientology,sci.geo.meteorology
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First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Jul 2007
Posts: 112
From Global Warming Believer To Skeptic
On Dec 24, 8:51*am, Peter Muehlbauer
"I M @ good guy" wrote:
On Wed, 23 Dec 2009 19:13:25 -0800, "Eric Gisin"
Anyone else left the cult of Climatology since the CRU emails were liberated a month ago?
By: Bradley Fikes - *December 21st, 2009
UPDATE: For whatever reason, Thanks to a link from Climate Depot, this post has drawn an outpouring
of commenters. Thanks for stopping by, and thank you, Climate Depot! And thank you for your
patience with the comment moderation. I check comments frequently, and will step up the pace to
keep the conversation going.
It's good to see science-minded people from outside climate science weigh in on this topic. The
climate science priesthood is at last getting that skeptical examination the unethical and
fraudulent Climategate gang has tried to avoid.
I've blogged a lot about Climategate and will do more. So please check back often.
A few years ago, I accepted global warming theory with few doubts. I wrote several columns for this
paper condemning what I thought were unfair attacks by skeptics and defending the climate
Boy, was I naive.
Since the Climategate emails and documents revealed active collusion to thwart skeptics and even
outright fraud, I've been trying to correct the record of my earlier foolishness. In one of those
columns, I even wrote: "And see Real Climate (www.realclimate.org) for global warming science
without the political spin."
In fact, Real Climate was and is nothing more than the house organ of global warming activists,
concerned more with politics than with science.
My mistake was assuming only the purest of motives of the global warming alarmists, while assuming
the worst of the skeptics. In fact, the soi-disant moralists of the global warming movement can
also exploit their agenda for profit.
Climategate jolted me into confronting the massive fraud and deception by top global warming
scientists, who were in a position to twist the peer-review process in their favor, and did so
Yet still most media reports desperately minimize Climategate, saying that it doesn't taint the
massive research supporting global warming theory. To them I say, how do you know that? Have you
investigated how much of that research was published due to the manipulation of these unethical and
fraudulent scientists? Do you know how much research that goes against the global warming activist
claims was unfairly suppressed?
Until all this is known, it's not possible to say with any confidence how much of global warming
theory will remain after all the fraud and deceit has been removed. And until climate science is
cleaned up, it doesn't deserve the worship so many in the media unthinkingly give its tainted
* * * * But Bradley, they were saving the planet!
Yes, and they don't give up whatsoever after the tipping point
(how many are they now?)
Does the tipping point cause global cooling?I thought it
caused enhanced warming.