I'm fed up
On Dec 28, 4:55*pm, Brian in Aberfeldy
On Dec 28, 4:37*pm, Mike Tullett wrote:
with all the cold weather. *It was great in 62/63 in my first year at Uni.
(courting at that time), but a re-run would go down like a lead balloon
with me. *I'm fed up with having to watch I don't slip, or that the cars
don't, or having to leave the boiler on at night to stop freezing in one of
the feed pipes. *9 days of frost and snow on the ground is enough for me
Mike Tullett - Coleraine 55.13 N 6.69 W *posted 28/12/2009 16:37:34 *GMT
No one can like that situation.
I understand exactly what you're saying Brian, but you would be amazed
at what the Internet coldies dream of all the way through Spring,
Summer and Autumn. They have cozy cold dreams about such things as
trying to walk on 2" of bumpy, shiny ice in the winter!! "Don't wish
too hard, your dreams are china in your hand", I say. *))