I'm fed up
"Mike Tullett" wrote in message
with all the cold weather. It was great in 62/63 in my first year at Uni.
(courting at that time), but a re-run would go down like a lead balloon
with me. I'm fed up with having to watch I don't slip, or that the cars
don't, or having to leave the boiler on at night to stop freezing in one
the feed pipes. 9 days of frost and snow on the ground is enough for me
Mike Tullett - Coleraine 55.13°N 6.69°W posted 28/12/2009 16:37:34 GMT
Yes Mike so true, in my head I'm some twenty years younger back at 27
...........I wish.
If a severe consistent cold spell comes off to add to our December
experience then the novelty and desire for cold snow conditions would soon
wear of thin.
Its been a case of the last couple of decades of absence makes the heart
grow fonder.
S couple of years of this and there would be a bring on Global warming
There's no fuel like an old fuel