I'm fed up
In article ,
Mike Tullett writes:
with all the cold weather. It was great in 62/63 in my first year at Uni.
(courting at that time), but a re-run would go down like a lead balloon
with me. I'm fed up with having to watch I don't slip, or that the cars
don't, or having to leave the boiler on at night to stop freezing in one of
the feed pipes. 9 days of frost and snow on the ground is enough for me
My sympathy. Though I'm 61, and slipped over not once but twice on the
Saturday before Christmas, I still haven't lost my own childish - if
irrational - desire for snow.
As for the boiler, I leave it on - and the central heating at about 19C
overnight - not to prevent freezing of the pipes but the freezing of me!
I like it not to be too perishing when I get up. I suppose I really
ought to invest in a time-clock that I could use to switch it on an hour
or so before I get up.
John Hall "[It was] so steep that at intervals the street broke into steps,
like a person breaking into giggles or hiccups, and then resumed
its sober climb, until it had another fit of steps."
Ursula K Le Guin "The Beginning Place"