I'm fed up
In message , Mike Tullett
with all the cold weather. It was great in 62/63
I remember that! The snow came over my wellies, we had to walk down to
the Express Dairy depot and all the milk bottles had stalks of cream
sticking out of the top with the foil neatly balanced on top. It had
started snowing around New Year (we were driving home to Chorleywood
from Preston Road), and apparently it hung on where we lived. We also
had a black cat that was trying to hunt birds by jumping out of 10" of
white snow at them!
in my first year at Uni.
(courting at that time), but a re-run would go down like a lead balloon
with me.
A re-run of courting?
I'm fed up with having to watch I don't slip, or that the cars
don't, or having to leave the boiler on at night to stop freezing in one of
the feed pipes. 9 days of frost and snow on the ground is enough for me