Mike Tullett wrote:
with all the cold weather. It was great in 62/63 in my first year at Uni.
(courting at that time), but a re-run would go down like a lead balloon
with me. I'm fed up with having to watch I don't slip, or that the cars
don't, or having to leave the boiler on at night to stop freezing
Even I find I couldn't agree more. Here it's Day 12 of the Big Freeze,
with a severe frost every night and snow (down to 8 cm this morning).
We've been carless and snowed in now since Friday 18th, and I'm now
thoroughly fed up.
What's more the forecast doesn't look too good, either. I'd never
thought I'd found myself really wanting a good new-fashioned winter
mild wet spell.
Snowed in in the Sidlaws, NW of Dundee