The global warming debate has gotten to an absurd level
On Dec 30, 1:04*am, Tom McDonald wrote:
That's a pretty good price, at least from my minimal googling for
the system.
Yeah - I was surprised it even beat's price.
Damn! Now I have another thing to consider getting with my tax
refund! Although, as I live between two bars in a small apartment
building, I'm not sure I'd feel safe in putting up the outdoor
bits of the weather station. Drunks do funny things sometimes.
Yes, they do. You must live in a city...? If so, that would
definitely make setting up such a thing a little harder.
I'm curious as to why you didn't get, or didn't mention getting,
the one-piece mounting tripod or the 'pagoda' cover for the more
delicate parts of the weather station. It sounds as though you
had fun building your own mounting system, though.
Do you think you might spring for the 'pagoda' cover? ISTM that
that might help get more accurate temperature, etc., readings,
especially on sunny days. It would also make the outfit look
cool, like professional weather stations.
Yeah, it would be more like a professional weather station. Since we
live on almost three acres, with a few buildings on the property, I
was able to spread it all out and find perfect spots for everything.
The temp/barometer gauge, for example, is on the north side of the
post holding up the deck and eaves on the southside of my garage/
laundry room/office/music studio. Well-exposed, but out of direct
sunlight (since it's on the northside) and within the range where the
main, inside unit will pick up the signal.
I guess, as with any hobby, the cost of adding the bells and
whistles can really start to add up to real money. I had a really
good telescope some years ago, and the bits and pieces I added to
it (upgraded heavy-duty tripod, adjustable declination wedge,
many toys. . . erm, tools for photography, extra eyepieces,
weather-proof cover, solar viewing attachment, eye patch, lens
cleaning kit, special true north aligner finder scope, batteries,
red flashlight, software, and on and on) totaled more than the
price of the scope itself. It was fun, though. Back when I wasn't
poor. :-)
Yes - I've always like gadget hobbies myself. Starting with shortwave
radio back in the early 1970s. It can get expensive - but things like
eBay make it more reasonable these days, IMO. ;-)
Any pictures of the setup you'd be willing to share?
Sure - eventually. Maybe this weekend. Right now I'm on a tight
schedule before going back to work and school after a couple weeks