The global warming debate has gotten to an absurd level
On Dec 30, 9:59*am, crunch wrote:
Which part do you think I'm lying about, Soggy?
You are lying about true NPD fashion, Lazy. *
Really? Be specific, Soggy.
Further, you
are making a sick joke about your being my arch nemesis.
It wasn't intended to be a "sick joke". Just a joke. Especially
since you claim I am one of your "enemies".
You missed that Tom McDonald said "Thank-you"
in response to my answer to his question of me.
How would you know what I've missed and what I haven't. *Are you
here? *Are you in my head? *Do you see with my eyes?
Then why do you act so stupid in a social context?
Talking to yourself in the mirror again, I see.
The answer to all of these is "no", ergo, it's impossible for you to
know one way or the other what I "missed" and what I didn't.
Nice try but it doesn't cut the mustard.
No one cares about your "mustard".
So, in order to clear your own twisted head, you
should contact Tom in order to convince yourself
that your sighting of NPD is quite mistaken.
Nope. *I don't have to "contact Tom" about anything. *He was talking
to you intially but was happy to discuss the whole thing with me in
light of your non-answer. *As far as your NPD goes...I think pretty
much everyone here now realizes that it's the case with you.
Back up, I did not give a "non-answer";
Yes you did.
you are blind here.
No I'm not.
Back up, you are libeling me with your wild and reckless
charge of my alleged NPD.
No I'm not.
And, you owe me a massive apology for your massive
outpouring of bunk Thiering Thesis and *whether
or not David Christainsen is a professional meteorologist.
No I don't.
Yes you do.
*Thiering is a crackpot and you are not (and never have
been) a professional meteorologist.
Here you are libeling Dr. Thiering. *Here you are
libeling me.
I've said nothing untrue. Libel has to contain untrue claims.
sorry, but...
I am exposing you as profoundly ignorant and driving
it home all over usenet. *Almost too late for you to take
your reckless behaviour back.
Not. Maybe in your delusions of grandeur, but in real life? Still