August CET dropping
"Joe" wrote in message
Well for Bedford, about 50 miles N of London
Warmest is August 1997 at 20.4 (also warmest month since at least 1980),
this month is now at 20.4 also and on the way down. So Aug 97 prob safe.
97 also saw 15 days in a row over 26.7C(80F) we only managed 11 in a row
this year.
Meanwhile up here...
The mean temperature for August is currently 16.7°C for this site, now only
1.7°C above the average. Both August 1995 and 1997 finished with higher
means (17.5°C and 17.1°C). I'd expect the final mark to remain much the same
judging by the forecast.
The summer as a whole (JJA) stands at 15.6°C, which is on a par with the
summer of 2000 (very good up here). But a long way behind 1995's record of
Motherwell, Scotland.